Apple sandbox subscription duration
Apple sandbox subscription duration

Repeat this for as many products as you want. Again, this product doesn't have to exist in App Store Connect for you to test purchasing in the simulator.

apple sandbox subscription duration

In the first year of a subscription, Apple takes a 30. Refer to the Configuring Products guide for more information.Ĭonfigure the subscription as needed by filling in the Reference Name, Product ID, Price, Subscription Duration, and optionally an Introductory Offer. Since 2016, Apple has reduced the fees they charge for subscriptions, but only after 12 months of service. Products in the configuration file must be set up in RevenueCatĮven though products don't have to be set up in App Store Connect, they have to be set up in RevenueCat so that RevenueCat can validate the sandbox receipt. View payment methods on file, change the order of your payment method, or update your billing information. That means you can test your subscription groups and products in the simulator and then create the products in App Store Connect later. You can have a maximum of 10 active subscriptions keys at a time. In-app purchase keys are created for your account, and can be applied to multiple apps, individual apps, or individual in-app purchase products.

apple sandbox subscription duration

The subscription group name should match one that is set up for your app in App Store Connect, but it's not a requirement. including App Store server APIs and promotional offers for auto-renewable subscriptions. In this tutorial, an auto-renewable subscription will be created.Įnter a name for a new subscription group and click Done. In the editor, click the "+" button at the bottom and create a new product. Jacksonville class action attorney at Law Office of Carolyn Wagner with 35 years experience 220 East Forsyth Street, Suite H, Jacksonville, FL 32202 Mark Horne. The Manage Subscription tab will be opened.

apple sandbox subscription duration

Choose Payments & Subscriptions -> Subscriptions. Is this normal for the sandbox / a corrupted sandbox user? I feel like I might be overlooking something, but it feels odd to me that a just-granted entitlement would expire a week before being granted.Step 3: Setting up the StoreKit Configuration File Open Google Play and click on the account icon at the top right of the screen. The problem here is that the active entitlement (which I named “active”), which was just granted a few seconds before this API call, says that it was both granted and expired 7 days ago, so my code rightly detects it as expired and does not grant product access. The response returned has a body like this: When I make a purchase from the SDK, my backend calls a method to validate the purchase with the subscribers api.

Apple sandbox subscription duration